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Know which CVEs affect your installed base

All the CVEs that affect your installed base, in a table that you can slice and dice, and export to Excel. Sort the result set by CVSS base score, number of affected devices, or other criteria. Limit the scope to a particular site or class of networks, such as realtime or safety networks. Show only CVEs with known exploits.

See new vulnerabilities as they come in

The OTbase vulnerabilities dashboard in OTbase informs you about recent CVEs that dropped in during the last 24 hours, last week, or last month. Also available as email notifications.

Check CVEs and patch status for individual systems

Device profiles in OTbase let you check which OT vulnerabilities affect a particular device, and how regularly this device was patched. Limit the listing to CVEs with known exploits to highlight the bad stuff.

Analyse the impact of individual CVEs on your installed base

OT vulnerability management with OTbase allows you to see where you have systems that are impacted by a particular CVE by a click of the mouse. Compare criticality of CVEs using a 3D heatmap.

See the big picture in Power BI

Need a powerful dashboard to analyze and present your vulnerability analysis? Just use Power BI, pulling vulnerability information directly from OTbase.

See which software contributes most to your cyber risk

OT vulnerability isn’t all about patching. Some products just can’t be patched and must be replaced, or eliminated. OTbase lists installed software products ranked by how much they contribute to your cyber risk — a great foundation for system hardening.

Identify individual systems most at risk

Individual systems that carry extraordinary high risk levels may call for out-of-band mitigation activities. OTbase ranks all devices based on how much cyber risk they carry, based on cumulated CVSS base scores, device criticality, and network exposure. This way you can immediately see where invervention is called for right away.

Find devices severely out of patch

It’s not a secret: Many Windows PCs in OT are severely out of patch. Where are they? OTbase tells you within seconds.