+49 6348 98 44 88 1 info@IIoT-Cybersecurity.com

We are delighted that you have taken an interest in our company and visited our Internet site at www.iiot-cybersecurity.com and www.iiot-cs.com. The protection of your personal data is especially important to us. Personal data refers to information about personal and material circumstances of a specific or specifiable natural person, which includes the user’s real name, address, telephone number and date of birth, but also other data that can reference a specifiable person.
Personal data are under special legal protection, which is why we exclusively acquire this data to the extent that it is necessary for the provision of our Internet site and our services. In the following, we explain which personal information is saved during your visit to our Internet site and how we use this information.
Our data protection practices comply with legal regulations, specifically the Federal Data Protection Act (FDPA), the Teleservices Act (TSA) and the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU (GDPR). We exclusively acquire, process and save your personal data to the extent that it is necessary for the functional provision of this Internet site and our content and services as well as for the processing of requests and possibly orders/contracts, but only to the extent that legitimate interest exists within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) Sentence 1 lit.f of the GDPR or another legal permission justification. Your data will also be used for further purposes precisely determined in the consent, e.g. for sending advertising material via newsletters, but only if you submitted a separate consent beforehand.

  1. Person in charge within the meaning of Art. 4 (7) of the GDPR

    Person in charge within the meaning of the GDPR and other national data protection laws for member states as well as other data-protection regulations:

    IIoT Cybersecurity GmbH
    Pariser Strasse 21
    76877 Offenbach an der Queich

    Email: dataprotection@iiot-cs.com
    Tel.: +49 6348 9844881
    Fax: +49 6348 9837979

  2. Name and address of the data protection officer

    IIoT Cybersecurity GmbH
    Pariser Strasse 21
    76877 Offenbach an der Queich
    Mr. Dirk Aiguar
    Email: dataprotection@iiot-cs.com

  3. Website provision and creation of logfiles

    Our system automatically acquires data and information from the prompting computer with each access instance to our Internet site. The following data is acquired:

    scope of data processing :

    1. Browser type and used version

    2. Operating system of the access device

    3. IP address of the access device

    4. Date and time of access

    5. Websites and resources (images, files, other page content) that have been accessed on our Internet site

    6. Websites from which the user’s system navigated to our Internet site (referrer tracking)

    This data is saved in our system’s logfiles. The data is not saved with other personal data of a specific user so that individual visitors to the site cannot be identified.

    legal basis for processing personal data

    Art. 6 (1) lit.f of the GDPR (Legitimate interest). The fulfilment of the following purpose constitutes legitimate interest.

    purpose of data processing

    Logging is performed in order to maintain the compatibility of our Internet site for all users (if possible), counter abuse and provide fault clearance. It is necessary to log the technical data of the access computer in order to be able to react as early as possible to display errors, attacks on our IT systems and/or functionality errors of our Internet site. Furthermore, data is used to optimise the website and ensure the general security of our information technology systems.

    storage duration

    Previously mentioned data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required for ensuring compatibility of the Internet site for all visitors, at the latest 3 months after accessing our Internet site.

    objection and deletion options

    Objection and deletion options are based on the following general regulations described in this data protection statement for the legal data-protection right of objection and deletion.

  4. Special functions of our Internet site

    Our Internet site offers various functions that require the acquisition, processing and saving of your personal data. In the following, we will explain what happens to your data:

    Newsletter registration form:

    scope of personal data processing

    Data that you entered in our contact forms. Further information on processing can be found in the declaration of consent.

    legal basis for processing personal data

    Art. 6 (1) lit.a of the GDPR (Implicit consent)

    purpose of data processing

    The data recorded in the registration form of our newsletter are used by us exclusively for the dispatch of our newsletter, in which we inform about all our services and our news. After registration, we will send you a confirmation e-mail containing a link that you must click to complete the subscription to our newsletter (double opt-in).

    storage duration

    You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link that is also included in each newsletter. Your data will be deleted by us immediately after deregistration. We will also delete your data immediately in the event of an incomplete registration. We reserve the right to delete the data without giving reasons and without prior or subsequent information.

    objection and deletion options

    Objection and deletion options are based on the following general regulations described in this data protection statement for the legal data-protection right of objection and deletion.

    Contact form(s):

    scope of personal data processing

    Data that you entered in our contact forms

    legal basis for processing personal data

    Art. 6 (1) lit.a of the GDPR (Implicit consent)

    purpose of data processing

    Data acquired via our contact form(s) is exclusively used for the processing of specific contact requests received via the contact form.

    storage duration

    Acquired data is deleted immediately after processing your request provided that no legal retention period applies.

    objection and deletion options

    Objection and deletion options are based on the following general regulations described in this data protection statement for the legal data-protection right of objection and deletion.

    Application form:

    scope of personal data processing

    Data that you entered in form fields and any uploaded data

    legal basis for processing personal data

    Art. 6 (1) lit.b of the GDPR (Execution of pre-contractual measures)

    purpose of data processing

    Processing your application

    storage duration

    Data is deleted as soon as the application has been processed and no legitimate interest exists for the saving of application data. Your application documents are deleted at the latest after 6 months in case an employment relationship does not ensue.

    objection and deletion options

    Objection and deletion options are based on the following general regulations described in this data protection statement for the legal data-protection right of objection and deletion.

  5. Statistical evaluation of visits to our Internet site – web trackers

    We acquire, process and save the following data when this Internet site or individual files on the Internet site are accessed: IP address, website from which the file was accessed, file name, date and time of access, transferred data volume and notification about successful access (so-called web log). We exclusively use this access data in a non-personalised form for the consistent improvement of our Internet offer and for statistical purposes. We also use the following web trackers in order to evaluate visits to this Internet site:

    Google Googlereadservices / Google AdWords Conversion / Google Dynamic Remarketing

    Our website uses a web service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway in 94043 Mountain View, USA (in the following: Google Googleadservices / Google AdWords Conversion / Google Dynamic Remarketing). Google Googleadservices /Google AdWords Conversion /Google Dynamic Remarketing uses cookies within the context of web tracking, which are saved on your computer and make it possible to analyse your website usage and surfing behaviour (so-called tracking). We perform this analysis based on the tracking service of Google Analytics in order to consistently optimise our Internet offer and improve access to it. Data such as specifically your IP address and user activities are sent to the server of Google LLC within the context of website usage; this data is processed and stored outside of the European Union, e.g. in the US. The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) lit.f of the GDPR. The error-free functionality of the Internet site constitutes legitimate interest. Google Googleadservices / Google AdWords Conversion / Google Dynamic Remarketing has certified itself within the context of the EU-US-Privacy-Shield agreement (cf. https://www.privacyshield.gov/list ). Data is deleted as soon as the purpose of acquisition has been fulfilled. Further information regarding the handling of transmitted data is available in the data protection statement of Google Googleadservices / Google AdWords Conversion/Google Dynamic Remarketing: https://www.google.de/intl/en/policies/privacy/ . You can prevent the acquisition and processing of data by Google Googleadservices / Google AdWords Conversion / Google Dynamic Remarketing by deactivating the running of script code in your browser, installing a script blocker in your browser (for example at www.noscript.net or www.ghostery.com ) or activating the “Do Not Track” setting in your browser.

    Google Analytics

    scope of personal data processing

    Our site uses a web tracking service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Park in 94043 Mountain View, USA (in the following: Google Analytics). Google Analytics uses cookies within the context of web tracking, which are saved on your computer and make it possible to analyse your website usage and surfing behaviour (so-called tracking). We perform this analysis based on the tracking service of Google Analytics in order to consistently optimise our Internet offer and improve access to it. Data such as specifically your IP address and user activities are sent to the server of Google LLC within the context of website usage; this data is processed and stored outside of the European Union, e.g. in the US.
    The EU commission has determined that an appropriate level of data protection exists in the US if the data-processing company subjects to the US-EU-Privacy-Shield agreement and data export to the US is performed accordingly in a permissible manner. Google Analytics anonymises your IP address prior to transmission by activating IP anonymisation within the Google Analytics tracking code of this Internet site. This website uses a Google Analytics tracking code expanded with the operator gat. anonymizelp(); in order to ensure the anonymous acquisition of IP addresses (so-called IP masking).

    legal basis for processing personal data

    Art. 6 (1) lit.a of the GDPR (Consent) either within the context of registration at Google (creating a Google account and acceptance of implemented data protection notices) or via the explicit consent when opening our site in case the user is not registered with Google

    purpose of data processing

    storage duration

    Google saves the data relevant for the provision of web tracking for as long as necessary in order to fulfil the booked web services. Data acquisition and storage are performed anonymously. Data is immediately deleted in case of existing personal referentiality provided that no legal retention obligation applies. Data is deleted in any case after the expiry of the retention obligation.

    objection and deletion options

    You can prevent the acquisition, forwarding and processing of personal data to Google (specifically your IP address) by deactivating the running of script code in your browser, installing script blocker in your browser (for example at www.noscript.net or www.ghostery.com) or activating the “Do Not Track” setting in your browser. Moreover, you can prevent the acquisition and processing of data generated by the cookie regarding your website usage (including your IP address) by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin via the following link (http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en). Security and data protection principles of Google can be viewed at https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en.



    This website uses cookies in order to personalise content and displays, offer functions for social media and analyse access instances to our website. We also forward information about your website usage to our partners for social media, advertisement and analysis purposes. Our partners may merge this information with other data that you have provided to them or data that they collected within the context of your service usage. You consent to the usage of cookies by continuing to use our website. Cookies are small text files that websites employ to provide a more efficient user experience. By law, we can save cookies on your device if these cookies are absolutely necessary for the operation of the site. We require your permission for all other types of cookies. This site uses various types of cookies. Some cookies that appear on our sites are placed by third parties.

    Google Tag Manager

    scope of personal data processing

    On our site we use the service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Park in 94043 Mountain View, USA (hereinafter: Google Tag Manager). Google Tag Manager provides a technical platform to run and bundle other web services and web tracking programs using so-called “tags”. Google Tag Manager stores cookies on your computer and analyses your surfing behaviour (so-called “tracking”) if web tracking tools are executed using Google Tag Manager. The data sent by individual tags embedded in Google Tag Manager is merged, stored and processed by Google Tag Manager under a unified user interface. All embedded “tags” are listed separately again in this data protection declaration. For more information about the privacy practices of the tools included with Google Tag Manager, please see the relevant section of this privacy statement. In the context of the use of our website with activated integration of tags by Google Tag Manager, data, such as in particular your IP address and your user activities are transferred to servers of Google LLC and processed and stored outside the European Union, e.g. in the USA.
    The EU Commission has found that an adequate level of data protection can exist in the USA if the data processing company has submitted to the US-EU Privacy Shield Agreement and the export of data to the USA has been made permissible in this way. This is the case with Google LLC. Regarding the web services integrated via Google Tag Manager, the regulations in the respective section of this data protection declaration apply. The tracking tools used in Google Tag Manager ensure that Google Tag Manager’s IP address is anonymized before transmission by IP anonymization of the source code. Google Tag Manager only allows the anonymous collection of IP addresses (so-called IP masking).

    legal basis for processing personal data

    TArt. 6 (1) lit.a of the GDPR (Consent) either within the context of registration at Google (creating a Google account and acceptance of implemented data protection notices) or via the explicit consent when opening our site in case the user is not registered with Google.

    purpose of data processing

    Google uses this information on our behalf in order to evaluate your visit to our Internet site, compile reports about website activities and provide other services for us associated with website and Internet usage. The IP address transmitted from your browser within the context of Google Analytics is not merged with other data of Google LLC.

    storage duration

    Google saves the data relevant for the provision of web tracking for as long as necessary in order to fulfil the booked web services. Data acquisition and storage are performed anonymously. Data is immediately deleted in case of existing personal referentiality provided that no legal retention obligation applies. Data is deleted in any case after the expiry of the retention obligation.

    objection and deletion options

    You can prevent the acquisition, forwarding and processing of personal data to Google (specifically your IP address) by deactivating the running of script code in your browser, installing script blocker in your browser (for example at a href=”http://www.noscript.net” target=”_blank”>www.noscript.net or www.ghostery.com ) or activating the “Do Not Track” setting in your browser. Moreover, you can prevent the acquisition and processing of data generated by the cookie regarding your website usage (including your IP address) by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin via the following link (http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en ). Security and data protection principles of Google can be viewed at https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en.

  6. Integration of external web services and data processing outside of the EU

    We use active JavaScript content from external providers on our Internet site, so-called web services. As users access our Internet site, external providers may receive personal information about your visit to our Internet site. Thus, data processing may occur outside of the EU. You can prevent this by installing a JavaScript blocker such as the browser plugin ‘NoScript’ ((www.noscript.net ) or deactivating JavaScript in your browser. As a result, the functionality of visited Internet sites may be limited.
    We use the following external web services:


    Our site uses a web service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway in 94043 Mountain View, USA (in the following: Doubleclick). We use this data in order to ensure full website functionality. Your browser may transmit personal data to Doubleclick within the context of usage. The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) lit.f of the GDPR. The error-free functionality of the Internet site constitutes legitimate interest. Doubleclick has certified itself within the context of the EU-US-Privacy-Shield agreement (cf. https://www.privacyshield.gov/list ). Data is deleted as soon as the purpose of acquisition has been fulfilled. Further information regarding the handling of transmitted data is available in the data protection statement of Doubleclick: https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/ . You can prevent the acquisition and processing of data by Doubleclick by deactivating the running of script code in your browser or installing a script blocker in your browser (for example at www.noscript.net or www.ghostery.com ).


    Our website uses a web service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway in 94043 Mountain View, USA (in the following: Google). We use this data in order to ensure full website functionality. Your browser may transmit personal data to Google within the context of usage. The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) lit.f of the GDPR. The error-free functionality of the Internet site constitutes legitimate interest. Google has certified itself within the context of the EU-US-Privacy-Shield agreement (cf. https://www.privacyshield.gov/list ). Data is deleted as soon as the purpose of acquisition has been fulfilled. Further information regarding the handling of transmitted data is available in the data protection statement of Google: https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/ . You can prevent the acquisition and processing of data by Google by deactivating the running of script code in your browser or installing a script blocker in your browser (for example at www.noscript.net or www.ghostery.com ).

    Google Apis

    Our website uses a web service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway in 94043 Mountain View, USA (in the following: Google Apis). We use this data in order to ensure full website functionality. Your browser may transmit personal data to Google Apis within the context of usage. The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) lit.f of the GDPR. The error-free functionality of the Internet site constitutes legitimate interest. Google Apis has certified itself within the context of the EU-US-Privacy-Shield agreement (cf. https://www.privacyshield.gov/list ). Data is deleted as soon as the purpose of acquisition has been fulfilled. Further information regarding the handling of transmitted data is available in the data protection statement of Google Apis: https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/ . You can prevent the acquisition and processing of data by Google Apis by deactivating the running of script code in your browser or installing a script blocker in your browser (for example at www.noscript.net or www.ghostery.com ).


    GA Audience

    Our website uses a web service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, 94043 Mountain View (in the following: GA Audience). We use this data in order to ensure full website functionality. Your browser may transmit personal data to aumago.com within the context of usage. The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) lit.f of the GDPR. The error-free functionality of the Internet site constitutes legitimate interest. GA Audience has self-certified to the principles of the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework (see https://www.privacyshield.gov/list). Data is deleted as soon as the purpose of acquisition has been fulfilled. Further information regarding the handling of transmitted data is available in the data protection statement of GA Audience: https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/. You can prevent the acquisition and processing of data by GA Audience by deactivating the running of script code in your browser or installing a script blocker in your browser (for example at www.noscript.net or www.ghostery.com ).

  7. Data security and data protection, communication via e-mail

    Technical and organisational measures protect your personal data from third-party access throughout acquisition, storage and processing. We cannot ensure full data security for unencrypted communication via e-mail on the transmission path to our IT systems, which is why we recommend encrypted communication or mailing by post in case of high confidentiality requirements.

  8. Automatic e-mail archiving

    scope of personal data processing

    We expressly point out that our mail system performs automated archiving. All incoming and outgoing e-mails are digitally archived in an audit-proof manner.

    legal basis for processing personal data

    Art. 6 (1) lit.f of the GDPR (Legitimate interest). Compliance with tax-law and commercial-law regulations constitutes legitimate interest (e.g. Sections 146, 147 of the Tax Code).

    purpose of data processing

    Compliance with tax-law and commercial-law regulations constitutes the purpose of archiving (e.g. Sections 146, 147 of the Tax Code).

    storage duration

    Our mail communication is saved until the expiry of tax-law and commercial-law retention obligations. A retention duration of up to 10 years is possible.

    objection and deletion options

    Please contact our data protection officer in case you have questions regarding our mail archiving system. We also want to point out that we exclusively process application documents in PDF file format. Our security systems filter out and prevent the receipt of zipped files (WinZip, WinRAR, 7Zip, etc.). We do not process applications in Word file format or other file formats and delete these without viewing. Please note that unencrypted application documents transmitted via e-mail may be opened by third-parties before these are received in our IT systems. We assume that it is permissible for us to send unencrypted communications in response to unencrypted application e-mails. Please add a note in your application e-mail if you do not want to receive unencrypted responses.

  9. Revocation of consent – Data disclosure and change requests – Deletion & blocking of data

    Once a year, you have the right to receive information free of charge regarding your stored data; you also have the right to data correction, blocking or deletion at any time. We delete your data upon the first received request provided that opposing legal regulations do not apply. You can revoke your consent for the usage of your personal data at any time. You can, at any time, send disclosure, deletion and correction requests regarding your data as well as suggestions to the following address:

    IIoT Cybersecurity GmbH
    Pariser Strasse 21
    76877 Offenbach an der Queich

    Email: info@iiot-cs.com
    Tel.: +49 6348 9844881
    Fax: +49 6348 9837979

  10. Right to data portability

    It is your right that we provide to you information pertaining to you that you have transmitted to us in a structured, standard and machine-readable format. In addition, you may request that we immediately transmit such information to a third party upon your initial instruction if processing is based on consent pursuant to Section 6 Subsection 1 lit. a GDPR or Section 9 Subsection 2 lit. a GDPR or on a contract pursuant to Section 6 Subsection 1 lit. b GDPR and if such processing is carried out by us in line with automated data processing.
    When exercising this right of data portability, you also have the right to effect personal information pertaining to you is directly transmitted from one controller to another controller to the ex-tent that this is technically possible. Freedoms and rights of other persons must not be impaired by such.
    The right to data portability does not apply to the processing of personal information required to carry out a task that is in the interest of the public or that is done in the exercise of official authority assigned to the controller.

  11. Right of complaint for submission to the regulating authority according to Art. 77 l of the GDPR

    You can, of course, demand legal clarification at any time in case you suspect that we have processed your data in an illicit manner. Independently of this, you have the option to contact the regulating authority. The right of complaint applies within the EU member state of your whereabouts, your workplace and/or the place of the alleged violation; i.e. you can choose to contact the regulating authority at the abovementioned locations. The regulating authority at which the complaint is submitted informs you about the status and results of your submission including the option of legal remedies according to Art. 78 of the GDPR.